Monday, February 18, 2013

TrueLoveWaits: It Pays to Wait

When a woman finds out that she is expecting, she must WAIT 9 months to meet her healthy baby face to face. When you cross the stage to accept your academic degree(s) you had to WAIT while putting in the required Academic time and work to be awarded the privilege of Graduating-It Pays to Wait. The same goes for singles, it Pays for you to Wait. Now as a single woman, I am fully aware of the many struggles that come along with being single. I understand the longing and the desire of wanting to share your life with someone that you long to love and have him love you back unconditionally. I also understand the lonely nights and the desperate plea of wanting attention and intimacy-I understand I really do. During moments of feeling alone and wanting to get ahead of God (those moments where you feel like God is taking too long so you jump ship and make love happen for yourself). I remind myself that God is the ultimate match maker and in His timing it shall come together like a match made in heaven literally. I’m learning the Art of Waiting. The Art of Waiting ladies is not easy but it can be done, once you change your perception (your mindset) on how you view Waiting than your emotions will eventually come into alignment to your mindset view.

You must understand that Waiting is not a torturous period (although it may feel that way sometimes). Waiting is a scheduled time that God has allotted for you to seek HIM (not men) on who you are and what is your purpose for being here. Now I’m not saying that during this time you cannot date, what I’m saying is focus in your energy and time on synchronizing your biological clocks to God’s scheduled timer first, before putting your time and your energy into a man. Commit to the Main Man first (which is God) through prayer and time spent with him-which must become your top priority first. God has no problem with resetting your biological clocks backwards or forwards to get you sync to the right heavenly time zone-you just have to trust him. So instead of sitting around waiting for God’s alarm clock to go off, why don’t you focus in on purpose-live your life and go experience God’s best for you right now, don’t wait until your future shows up. You be or become the life of your own party first, and when your future arrives, than he will join in as a VIP guest at your own life’s party. 

If you’re waiting to see the world (or live on Purpose) because hubby hasn't come yet, you’re sadly mistaken- hubby may be traveling on the same flight and his seating  arrangements were scheduled next to yours, but because you’re home pouting and waiting to live your life (or walk into Purpose) you've just missed your opportunity to be introduced to your future husband. Just FYI ladies, you may not ever cross paths with your future until you get into purpose with God (think about it…You may be your own holdup). You have to grow to a place of contentment where if it takes you 10 more years of waiting on God while operating in your Purpose, that you will accept the time change. You have to understand and respect your worth, aren't you worth waiting for- ladies you are a walking answer to a man’s prayer (He is praying and waiting for you as well). I will not deny our emotional hissy fits and temper tantrums that we ALL go through while waiting, but I will say this Ladies once you stop swimming against the currents of Waiting and float with the flow of where God is taking you, I can promise you that HIS word to you will never fail you, and you will eventually land on the island of future love.  

I’m learning that when we try to make it happen (Jump ship) on our own, we’re just short changing ourselves, settling for the 20% of a man rather than the 80%. It’s like a financial investment for your future- if you pull out to soon you’re going to be charge with penalties and fees that you have to pay back, plus receive a smaller returned back on your investment. But if you Wait and allow your invest to mature fully, you shall reap the great reward of having more than enough money to enjoy your life and retire comfortably. God cares so much for his daughters and he will not forget about you, every desire, every dream; I promise you that our heavenly father will not disappoint you. If you just WAIT on the Lord and be patient, if you just pray during those times of lonely heartaches, and continue to believe God at his word, I promise you that He will pull through for you and some how, some way you and your future will cross paths. It Pays to Wait. 


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