Friday, February 22, 2013

TrueLoveWaits: He Hit Me…Signs of Mr. Abusive

There is NO excuse for a man to forcefully put his hands on a woman period. “It was my fault that his anger spun out of control” “I hit the end of the coffee table, that’s how I got that bruise.” And your excuses for him are a sure reason why you have to get out before it is too late.  I want you to find who you are and know your worth-You are a beautiful woman who deserves better, and you definitely was not created to be someone’s punching bag- whether physically being punch or verbally abused. You shouldn't have to bare the physical pain of any insecure man. There is nothing more unattractive than an insecure man, who feels the need to broadcast his insecurities to the world by beating his beautiful woman to a pulp-this madness has to end.  Woman to woman you have to get out and if there are children involve save them to before a cycle of abuse is recreated in their lives. Here is a good resourceful article to help you get out of your abusive relationship: Get Out Now!   

Identify Mr. Abusive

Now this may not be your story or you may be in a brand new relationship that seems to be going well…Check the signs. Here are some signs you should give attention to if you start to notices them in your relationship, because you just might be involve with Mr. Abusive:  

Checking your cell phone or email without permission- He is trying to stay on top of who you’re talking to and how much attention you’re giving to others, other than him-Very Controlling.  

Constantly putting you down- this can be something done on the sly- you’re always boosting him up but never the positive for you just the negative. Have you ever had someone give you a nice nasty compliment? For example “baby you look good in that dress, but I hate that color on you”-Nice/nasty it just can’t be positive, it has to have negativity in it as well. This is also done so the insecure man can feel better about himself-putting you down and not complimenting your beauty.  

Extreme jealousy or insecurity- Jealousy is not cute, it can cost you your life. Every little thing he becomes jealously about especially you spending time with family or on the phone with love ones, any sign of you spending your time on the phone with someone other than him for too long, he has a problem with. Nothing sets an insecure man off like a secure woman-keep that in mind. When you’re a secure woman, his insecurities are shinning like the morning sun, so he has to do whatever he can to dim the light of your securities to make him feel Superior-You can’t look at a man in passing without a fight later because of his insecurities.

Explosive temper- Very self-explanatory- every little thing he blows up about, usually this is shown when the abuser is very intoxicated and you’re the receiver of all his bottled up anger and hangups in life in the form of his fist.  

Isolating you from family or friends- Which is a BIG ONE, you’re not reaching out to family or friends like you use to and your personality is changing- he’s not making you better, he is making you believe that the way he has you thinking is growth and maturity, but in reality it is manipulation and a controlling mechanism-especially if you’re not near any family or REAL TRUE friends-he becomes your family and friends-your everything.  

Here are some more important signs to watch for:

Physically hurting you in “any way”
Making false accusations
Mood swings
Telling you what to do

Ladies please don’t allow your feelings to come before the facts are all given, you owe it to yourself to check the signs and pay attention to the RED FLAGS, because they are always there for us to give notice to them. To ignore the red flags says to me that you care more about trying to change this man, rather than your well being and true love for yourself. You CANNOT change a man; a man has to want to change on his own, and right now he chose a life as an Abuser. You get out NOW if you see any of these signs in your relationship-I know you love him and despite the love he may express to you verbally; your black eye or bruised arm say another-GET OUT NOW. I promise you that your life will depend on it sooner than later. I love you my sisters. He Hit Me…Signs of Mr. Abusive.


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