Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gold Nugget of today: Like being Stuck?

Have you ever been in a place where you were stuck? Stuck in your finances? Stuck in a rut? Just stuck!! I have plenty of times and the question I continued to ask myself was “What can I do from here?” Have you ever been in a situation like this before? Through it all I learned to Believe. Believe in the promises that God has revealed to you for your life, and rest in his assurance that he will bring it to pass.  

 God does not take joy and pleasure in seeing you suffer; he is developing you to win. The bible says that we are “More than Conquerors” (see Romans 8:37), but we must grow through the development stages to win.  How can you stand to be a conqueror and not accept the challenge to fight? What you don’t conquer is conquering you. What you allow to hinder you from winning is waving the victory flag over you.

So NO MORE PITY PARTIES and NO MORE waving the peace flag at your enemy. We must fight and take back our rightful places as more than conquerors. The definition of conquer is:  to overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force.  It’s time for you to get your kingdom Battle Gear on because we are raging war on depression, war on lack, war on addictions, war on distractions, war on You fill in the blank. Aren’t you tired of being defeated?! If so it’s time for you to get your Kingdom Battle Gear on, and do not leave home without it.

1. Helmet of Salvation- Protect your mind and guard your thoughts. Obtain a Christ like mind by reading his thoughts, which is the word of God-The bible.

2. Belt of Truth- Gird your waist with truth. Have you ever had a pair of pants on that were too big for you without a belt? What ends up happening is they fall down. This is what happens when you come from under the truth of God’s word; you’re caught with your pants down, exposing yourself to the enemy for pickings. 

3. Breast Plate of Righteousness- You must stay in compliance with the Lord’s commands. The Lord is Commander and Chief Officer of your life; what he says goes, because he is able to guide you on the battle field of life. “It’s a matter of LIFE and DEATH.”  God is the Master Mind behind battle field tactics; he designs the plans on how to defeat your enemy(s). Obedience to God’s orders will keep you from broken hearts, disappointments, defeat, etc.

4.  Shoes of Peace- Cover your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. What you prepare for is where your feet will take you. What you invest your time in, determines the outcome of your destination. Prepare yourself in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

5. Shield of Faith- Do not leave home without your FAITH!!! You are able to counteract the darts of Fear with Faith. One of the enemy’s weapons of mass destruction is fear. You must develop in your faith by believing the report of the Lord, and by rejecting fear. 

6. The Sword of the Spirit- is the word of God. In Hebrews 4:12 it reads that the “word of God is active and alive, and sharper than any two-edge sword…” You must sharpen your sword in order to defeat the enemy. Have you ever tried to cut a potato or something tuff with a dull knife? Very strenuous work… if you don’t spend time sharpening your sword (Studying God’s word), you may swing for your enemy’s head, but no damage will occur.

Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). I will declare over your life that you will NO LONGER show to battle wearing nothing. You are created to WIN!!! You WIN every time!!!

Remember Growth is intentional and you’re responsible for it. Take the time Everyday~Grow Forward.


1 comment:

  1. These blogs are so encouraging! Particularly this one! Although this was yesterday's post, I needed it again for today!

    Sometimes during the journey to Destiny the best athletes have moments where their spirit is willing; but their physical body is tired of going through the motions. These post are like water to my soul...thanks again for another day of restoration!
