Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 1: Winning the Wars Within

I’m learning that the biggest trail you face in life are not so much the ones that people are externally involve with, it’s more so the ones you internally face (and let the church say Amen). The Wars within has a greater impact on you than the battles going on around you, why is that? The only way I can explain this is to have you drive down a one way street. I don’t know if you had the unpleasant pleasure of driving down a one way Street before, but I certainly have by mistake one time (not a good feeling). Driving forward on a One Way Street is an accident waiting to happen, and trying to back out of it is even worst (trust me I've tried), so what’s a girl to do? I Prayed and ask God to hold off any cars coming down that one way, I made my quick 3-point turn, and found myself back on track again (Whew! That was really a close one for me).

I used this example to explain what internal wars feels like-spiritually trapped, immobilized, kind of like how the Israelites were to their Goliath opponent (see 1 Samuel 17). The Israelites were trapped, unable to move forward because  a huge Goliath was standing in the way of their freedom and victory. What internal Goliath(s) has sent you spiraling down a one way street immobilized? Or better yet what are the giant(s) in your life that you knowingly allow to keep you from your truest self and your victories? I really want you to take the time thinking about these questions ask, and write down every honest answer you can think of in your journal. 

Do not get overwhelmed by the number of Goliaths you have written down, but rejoice because this is the beginning stage of you Winning the Wars within. Ask yourself What am I afraid of? What’s really holding me back? Is it fear, procrastination, lack of wisdom, direction, yourself? It could be a number of things, but whatever it is by you identifying your giants, you are one step closer to Winning the Wars Within-I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU. 

Day 1 Assignment: identify who your internal giants are (write them by name), and what are they preventing you from doing. Use the questions already given to you previously as a guiding point. Remember there are no right or wrong answers here, only the honest ones required. Be True to Yourself & Never give up on the betterment of yourself. 

God Bless & I will see you tomorrow for Day 2 J  


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