Friday, August 15, 2014

Last Night was a Battle...

I have never experience such withdrawals in my life! Night sweats, headaches, and my cravings for something sweet was out of this world. The moment I took a stand to take back my health and life, it seems as if the entire force of darkness (plus 1) was coming against my decision to change. Background: For the past 3 days I have not touched anything sweet- no cakes, soda, or candies of any sort. You see my crick tonight is sweets, and boy did my body show me just how bad it wanted it last night. This thing is serious! 

I am reading several books to help me on my journey to a healthier me Spirit~Soul~Body: The Daniel Plan by:Rick Warren and God is my CEO by:Larry Julian. With these books, I am learning that I cannot do this on my own strength, but I need God to help me with his infinite strength and power. I remember last night praying and asking God to help me through these withdrawals, and He did. Although my body still wanted a sugary snack, God simply suggested that I drink a bottle of water and go to sleep-and I did just that. However, the battle was not over. 

I had all kinds of crazy dreams last night- exes from my past who where trying to get back with me, the spirit of depression in a form of a skinny woman…Just crazy! But as I write the dreams out for the first time, I realize that the enemy (emotional eating) wants me back, and although we have been apart for 3 days now (and I do miss her), our relationship is a very unhealthy one. I must stay away from death!

The scripture that I am resting on today is Hebrews 12:11 (NIV)-
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Although I am in a stage of unpleasant discipline, I know the direction that I’m headed is what’s best for me. I must always rely on God’s infinite strength to help me through my darkest nights.

“I am determined to live and be a healthier “ME” For Real.”

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