Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)
I must share with you this revelation that I received this
morning about Faith! Okay, this morning while I was getting ready for work I tuned
into one of Dr. Creflo Dollar’s
30 minute teachings online, and he and three other pastors where discussing the
importance of Grace. While listening to the pastors’ share their views, one
pastor in particular shared his understanding of grace. He said “Grace is like
a grocery store that is always stock with the things we need, and Faith is the
currency that purchases the items.” What an amazing analogy about Grace and
faith, but what really stood out to me was “Faith is a Currency.” By this time (30minutes later) I’m on my way to work. While
driving, “Faith is a Currency” is turning over and over in my mind, and the
scripture Isaiah 55:1 comes to mind:
Wait and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who
has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy [priceless, spiritual] wine and
milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that
accepts the blessing]. (AMP version)
Than the Lord spoke to me and said “do you know why people
are not receiving a breakthrough in life, it is because they are using the
wrong currency to purchase spiritually what they need of in the natural.” What
God is saying is when we pray and faith (God’s currency) is not present, but
doubt and fear (the enemy’s currency) we cannot receive from the storehouse of
God. Have you ever tried to pay your light bill in Mexican Pesos here in
America before? I’m sure the results were your lights were cut off; the same
concept goes for receiving a breakthrough in life. The currency you have stored
in your bank account (your heart) determines whether your outcome gets better
or grows worst. If fear is your currency than your outcome grows worst, but if
faith is what’s deposited in your heart than you are able to freely take what
you need (and desire) from the storehouse of God.
Than the Lord ended, you don’t know how wealthy you are.
Immediately my mind shifted to another level of seeing with my spiritual eyes-
a paradigm took place right as I was driving. What I saw was many banks in
heaven filled to capacity, just waiting on the believers to withdraw from them.
The vision reminded me of a water-pressured dam about to break free! We have
bank accounts in heaven my friend, and all we need are prayer and faith to seal the deal.
Now you’re probably wondering how can I materialize my faith
into things? Great question, remember the spiritual realm is the causal
realm-what you see in front of you is a result of what spiritual stores you’ve
been shopping in. For example there was a time when I worried about everything-
bills, food, clothes, etc. the more I worried, the more it seem to come to past like Job in the bible (Job 3:25).
I had nothing but fear present in my heart. However, the moment I decided to
make a change, and allow God’s word to fill me with his Love and Faith, was the
very moment I saw positive “things” begin to happen in my life-including being blessed with a brand new car. So,
if you do not like your current situation “change it.” My friend now is the time that you put your faith into action! Whatever
you have need of and desire come buy from the storehouse of God through prayer. Prayer is the most powerful intimate exchange you can have with God, it is simply having a conversation with the king. Will you come stop by the storehouse of God today?
Today’s Challenge:
Today I want you to go shopping! First write out your
spiritual list (your needs and desires), pray and repent-the turnaround of your
mindset- and ask God to supply you with the faith to believe that it is done!
Once you have done that, simply believe that He is a rewarder of those who
believe and diligently seek after him-Hebrews 11:6, because family you don’t know (just) how wealthy you are.
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