was reading over one of my journals from 3 years ago and I marvel at how far
I’ve come. Three years ago my heart was bleeding on paper to God as I
expressed my loneliness, oppression, depression, and the emotional suicide I
was experiencing all at once. I realize now in my life that not everyone will
understand or get me, but I know Who (& Whose) I Am. And because of the
beauty of your (Right Now) appearance, and you walk with your head held high,
people will tend to hate on the fact that you (for the most part) carry this confident
glow about you. So they choose to speak from the depth of their insecurities instead, trying
their best (consciously or unconsciously) to dim the light that God has placed
inside of you- but only if they knew the old shoes you use to wear(your past)they
would see you from a different point of view.
audacity of the naysayers who have no clue about the HELL you've gone (or going)
through, I refuse to be silent anymore. Don’t allow people to place judgment upon
you because you decided to make the joy of the Lord your strength. If naysayers
had a clue, they would recognize that it was only by God’s grace that you were
not found dead in an ally somewhere or behind bars. The Lord has kept you and he has definitely
kept (and is keeping) me too. Know this, God has his hand upon your life.
Believe me, I understand and know what it feels like to be judge and not
helped. I know what it feels like to have people (especially church folks) try
their best to limit my (God-given) wisdom to the number of my age, but they
haven’t gotten a clue as to Who I really AM or what I've been through-they haven’t walked in my shoes.
People don’t know your dark nights, your
lonely tears, and the physical pain you've experienced in the past or even now, but let
me be the first to tell you that God knows and He cares for you deeply. Allow
God's deep love to be your shield and buckler, your healer, and your very best friend. I wrote this message to encourage you ALL (even the naysayers) to
love your sisters and your brothers for real. Love them if they've fallen into
the hands of sin, love them even if they don’t look or act like you, because
God may use that same person one day to help deliver you through. We all have a story
to tell that could save someone else’s life. Will you choose Love over Judgment
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