Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 2: Winning the Wars Within

Now that you've identified the giants within, your next step is to make sure you possess a winner’s attitude. Your attitude is the determining factor to winning or losing your personal wars within. You must prepare yourself to fight. Do you realize that the enemy has dedicated his entire life to destroying yours? His plan and mission is to steal from you, kill the very life in you, and destroy everything about you and the ones closest to you in the process-you must take on a winner’s attitude. A person with a winner’s attitude takes on the role of the victor of their situation, rather than the victim. When you gave your life over to the Lord, you were immediately transitioned into the Kingdom of God-which rendered you  full access to the kingdom's beneficial package (and you didn't have to put in the usual 90 days of work to receive it). 

With these benefits comes an internal protection plan as well. For example before you had no peace in your life, and when you accepted Jesus Christ (the Prince of Peace) as your Lord and Savior, he moved peace into your heart. Whatever cup(s) you need filled in your life (love, peace, joy, healing for your soul, etc.) God has the pitcher full and ready to pour into your empty cups. You must stand on God’s word and believe that he wishes above all things that you prosper, be in GOOD health, even as your soul(your mind, your will, and emotions) prospers- see 3 John 1:2. An attitude to win is the second step to Winning the Wars Within.

Day 2 Assignment: Write down the areas in your life that you've been playing the victim role in, rather than the victor. If nothing comes to mind, pray and ask the Lord to reveal to you any hidden areas of fear, discontent, or even day to day stress in your life. Remember all honest answers are welcome.  

God Bless & Talk With You Tomorrow for Day 3 of Winning the Wars Within 

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