Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gold Nugget for today: Success is link to Purpose

Your success in life should be arrival stages to your purpose. Each one of us is born into this world with purpose; although some may think that their dreams and goals may be too small and unimportant to pursue, I’m here to encourage you that your dreams are important to God. So get up and get your dream detector ready, because we’re going on a Purpose Driven Hunt.

You might be thinking “What is my purpose?” and “How do I find it?” These are All GREAT QUESTIONS my friend.   Purpose is not something that you create; it is already created for you. You must learn your purpose by learning from the author of purpose- which is God. Keep in mind that you are trusted by God to make your purpose known to your sphere of influence.  

Your God-design blueprint for your life is already mapped out for you, and is in order from start to finish. My suggestion would be “Have Story Time with God.” It is time for you to begin learning your purpose by spending time with God. The bible asserts in Psalm 139:14 that we are “Fearfully and wonderfully made.” You are very special to God and he is ready to share with you the great plans that he has in store for you (See Jeremiah 29:11). I’m excited about your future friend!!!

Make a commitment right now that you will allot a certain amount of time spent reading the bible and in prayer communing with God. Keep in mind that 15mintues of genuine heartfelt communion with God is better than an hour of religious service. My point is God looks at your heart and is please with sincere baby steps. I am personally walking out this journey to learning my purpose…So you’re not alone. With this golden nugget I serve to you my friend, you will be able to plan successful goals towards your God-Given Purpose.

Remember Growth is intentional and you’re responsible for it. Take the time Everyday~Grow Forward.


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