Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 7: Winning the Wars Within

Accept the new season that you’re going into. Not long after David’s victorious slay of Goliath, he was given the opportunity to live and work in the Kingdom for King Saul. He went from a shepherd boy to living in the palace almost overnight. If you’re familiar with the story thereafter, King Saul grew to fear David because he knew that the Lord was with him-David prospered in everything that he did. Having the Lord on your side doesn't necessarily mean that life will always be peachy cream, but it does mean you have someone weighing the storms out with you.  Storms in life are inevitable, but how you respond to those storms shows the truest essence of your character and the development thereafter. 

In concluding the Winning the Wars Within series on Day 7 was very significant and on purpose. The biblical meaning of the number 7 is “Completion,” and while closing this chapter in your life I pray that you will completely embrace what God has for you in the next season of your life. I smell victory in the air, and it smells really good on you. Your time is NOW and not later.  Be completely healed, completely motivated for purpose, be complete in your Spirit, your soul, and your body.

Day 7 Assignment: Embrace Day 7 today by identifying areas in your life that you desire to be complete in- your heart, mind, soul, relationships, finances, etc. Write them down in your journal and then lay them at the feet of God in prayer. Remember Christ came not so that we may have life only, but life more abundantly (overflowing) (John 10:10).

**It was a privilege and honor to be your teacher on Winning the Wars Within (I hope you gain something insightful during these 7 days). I pray that a victorious healing has taken place in your life, to where a shift was created in the space of your mind, and a powerful move of God has taken place in your life. God Bless**

The Next Series will be titled: Step out the Boat- We will be discussing making courageous moves and steps to overcoming your deepest fears in life. Stay tune for Day 1 of the New series. Talk with You Soon J

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